Allowing Cannabis Establishments in Lathrup Village

Vote YES on Proposal 1 and Proposal 2

Vote YES on Prop 1 and 2 on or before Tuesday, November 5, 2024. 

Proposal 1: Shall the City of Lathrup Village Charter be amended to repeal the prohibition of cannabis establishments within the boundaries of the City?

Proposal 2: Shall the City of Lathrup Village Code of Ordinances, Chapter 18 – Businesses, Article VI, which currently prohibits all cannabis establishments within the boundaries of the City of Lathrup Village, be amended to authorize and allow cannabis businesses and establish an application process, selection criteria, licenses, fees, and regulations for two retail facilities and two safety compliance facilities in the City. Shall the Proposal be Adopted?

Reasons to Vote YES on Prop 1 and 2

Lathrup Village could earn around $118,000 per year from excise tax money. The city would also receive application fees when businesses seek to open, and residents 21+ could find well-paying jobs.

Cannabis businesses will promote community development by reducing abandoned and run-down store fronts and by providing the city with funds to make other improvements.

Some residents purchase cannabis products, and having local businesses will make their shopping more convenient, plus their excise tax dollars will stay here in Lathrup Village.


Contact mj4lathrup@gmail.com to get more information.

Paid for with regulated funds by the MJ-4-LV, LLC Committee. PO Box 760274 Lathrup Village, MI 48076